Journal de Bord #5 When it is becoming "real"...

Monday 13th July, 2015

It was actually the date of our interview with the US Embassy. It went very well and very fast...  I was prepared to live such a looooong day with a lot of questions asked to prove if we were the best candidates to have this visas. The truth is people from the Embassy have been very nice and so relax, and even made some joke with the kids!

So as you can guess, the result is that our visas have been approved!

We are so excited !!!

I do not realize what it's happening for the moment, I just feel that this whole crazy thing is becoming real more and more (like hello Gaelle, you are going to live in the US... time to wake up!)

It is so crazy...

The next steps now :

- sign the sell of our apartment (in July)

- sell our car

- receive the visas by mail (in the coming days)

- book our one way flight

- decide with the relocation team of the Company where we would like to live for the temporary housing at our arrival

- one million other things before departure...

Journal de Bord #6 J - 7 Où en est-on ?

Journal de Bord #4 Où il est question de compter les jours...